FastSqlServer.com consulting
SQL Managed Instance / SQL Server 2022 / 2019 / 2017 / 2016 / 2014 / 2012 / 2008 / 2005 / 2000 / Azure Performance Consultant
Hi, I am Chris Dickey, a consultant with 30 years of software experience to solve your problems.
Faster SQL Server and web applications increase profits for my clients.
They depend on high performance systems for success.
I help my clients achieve that goal by delivering results based on a proven track record of success.
I am a graduate of the University of California, San Diego - UCSD
in Management Science and Systems Engineering
This web page lists the advanced technical training I have invested in to be an expert in the field of SQL Server and Microsoft Windows Server technologies. The combination of advanced training with over 30 years of practical experience developing software and configuring systems enables me to deliver technically accurate and effective consulting services. If you need to get on the fast path to SQL Server, contact me for expert assistance. Get the job done right.
Contact me today to discuss practical steps to achieve your business system goals:
Email: info@TuneSqlServer.com
I will help you sort through the technical software and hardware options. Give your business a boost in productivity with a system that runs great.
Do you want to use Microsoft Azure? I can help you move a SQL Server database to Azure SQL Managed Instance.
SQL Server is the centerpiece of data storage for business and web based information systems.
An often overlooked point is to make sure that SQL Server is properly tuned to run at top speed. You don't want to miss out on the high level of performance payback that SQL Server can deliver. I can help you ensure that SQL Server is running at its best. My background in high level mathematics, years of real world SQL Server tuning experience and advanced training have given me the skills to do the job right.
I have been working with Microsoft SQL Server for 30 years - since it was first released in 1989.
My start on the Windows NT Server path was the 1992 Microsoft Professional Developers Conference.
After graduating from the University of California, San Diego, I came up through the developer ranks of Pascal, Z80 Assembler, Fortran, LISP, C, C++, Win32 API, COM+, SQL and VB. Along the way I also studied TCP/IP networking and Microsoft server products. I attained the MCSE certification back in 1996.
Currently I specialize in SQL Server, C#, and .NET. I focus on attaining best performance and reliability while keeping a close watch on security. My skill sets and real world experience includes Microsoft server software development and configuration using the following building blocks: TCP/IP networking, Windows Server 2019 and C#. Security awareness is an important part of my skillset. The combination of SQL Server, Windows Server and development skills gives me a total system perspective to be able to do the job right. I have improved the performance of single server web sites and web farms with hundreds of concurrently connected users.
I offer you the very best up-to-date technical assistance.
Use the great features of Microsoft Server software to improve your business efficiency and security. Give your business a competitive advantage by using SQL Server 2022 or 2019, Windows Server 2022 and .NET applications.
I have the expert T-SQL, C# and .NET skills and experience to tune and build applications that take full advantage of the new Microsoft software technologies. Give your business the reliable, fast and secure information technology foundation that you need to succeed.
Advanced Technical Conferences and Training Chris Dickey Has Attended
- Nov 2021 - SQL PASS Summit 2021
- Dec 2015 - John Savill's Microsoft Stack Master Class
- Oct 2015 - SQL PASS Summit 2015
- Nov 2014 - SQL PASS Summit 2014
- Oct 2013 - SQL PASS Summit 2013
- Oct 2012 - SQL PASS Summit 2012
- Mar 2012 - SQL Server 2012 Training
- Dec 2011 - SQL Server 2008 MCM Exam Prep
- Oct 2011 - 2011 PASS Summit (SQL Server conference)
- Aug 2011 - SQL Skills 5 Day Immersion Event on Performance Tuning
- Nov 2010 - 2010 PASS Summit (SQL Server conference)
- Nov 2009 - 2009 PASS Summit (SQL Server conference)
- Nov 2008 - 2008 PASS Community Summit (SQL Server conference)
- Nov 2006 - 2006 PASS Community Summit (SQL Server conference)
- Nov 2003 - PASS SQL Server Conference (community summit) 2003
- Aug 2002 - Tuning High Performance SQL Server 2000 Databases - Kimberly Tripp course
- Feb 2000 - Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Conference
- Feb 1998 - Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Conference
- Nov 2009 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2009
- Oct 2008 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2008
- Sep 2005 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2005
- May 2004 - Microsoft Tech Ed 2004
- Oct 2003 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference 2003
- Sep 2002 - Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Developers Conference
- Oct 2001 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
- Jul 2000 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference - Microsoft's 1st launch of .NET software development
- Oct 1999 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
- Sep 1997 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
- Nov 1996 - Microsoft NT Developer Conference
- Mar 1996 - Microsoft Internet PDC - Microsoft's 1st Internet developer conference
- Dec 1993 - Microsoft WIN32 Developers Conference - Windows 95 Win32 API, COM introduced
- Jul 1992 - Windows NT Developers Conference - Microsoft's 1st launch of Windows NT and the Win32 API
- Sep 2004 - Microsoft Security Training - 2 Day Microsoft Partner Course
- Aug 2004 - Day of ASP.NET 2.0 Conference
- Jun 2004 - Securing Your Customers with ISA Server 2004 Workshop - Microsoft Partner Training Course
- Mar 2004 - Designing, Deploying, and Managing Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) 2003 Workshop
- Sep 2003 - TechMentor Windows Server Conference
- Jun 2003 - Developmentor Essential .NET Security - Keith Brown
- Jul 2003 - Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Architecture Bootcamp - 3 Day Microsoft Partner Lab Course
- Jun 2003 - Microsoft ISA Server security - Microsoft Partner Training Course
- Apr 2003 - Advanced Windows Server 2003 - Microsoft Partner Training Course
- Apr 2003 - Intrusion Protection : Exploits and Countermeasures
- Apr 2002 - Boston University Win-Dev Conference
- Feb 2002 - Visual Studio.NET Launch Conference and SQL2TheMax
- Oct 2001 - Developmentor .NET Runtime Training
- Jun 2001 - Boston University Win-Dev Conference
- Feb 2001 - Black Hat Windows 2000 Security Conference
- Sep 1999 - Boston University Win-Dev Conference
- Oct 1998 - Microsoft Professional Developers Conference
- Aug 1998 - Microsoft Bizapps Conference
- Sep 1995 - Boston University Win-Dev Conference
- Jan 1995 - Microsoft NT Server PDC (Professional Developers Conference)
- Jun 1994 - Microsoft Exchange Server Conference - 1st Microsoft Exchange Server conference
- Sep 1993 - Seybold Windows Publishing< >
- Sep 2003 - Exchange Server 2003 Migration and Deployment Bootcamp - Microsoft Partner Training Course
- Sep 2002 - SANS Win2K Gold Standard Security Training
- Aug 2002 - SQL Server Replication - Mike Hotek course
- Jul 2002 - .NET Security and Scalability - Developmentor course
Chris Dickey of cDickey.net consulting was quoted in June 2000 in this Computerworld article on .NET
Microsoft stakes future on .Net
June 26, 2000 (Computerworld) REDMOND, WASH. -- Microsoft Corp. bet its future last week on .Net, its vision of software services that live on the Internet. But initial reactions were skeptical, with users and analysts noting that the core technologies are unproven and that many key components are years from delivery.
Consultant Chris Dickey of CDickey.com in San Diego said .Net will probably be a hot topic at a developer's conference Microsoft is hosting the week of July 10. "The details will probably come out," he said.